Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Days 11-19: Wisconsin & Grandpa Joe

We had always planned to stop for a week in Milwaukee and visit with Paul's family as part of our road trip across the country. We last saw his parents when they were out for his thesis defense Memorial Day weekend, and last saw his grandparents and extended family when we were there in December. However, this stop in Milwaukee turned into much more than a quick visit when Paul's grandfather, Grandpa Joe, passed away on August 19th, less than two weeks before we were supposed to start our trip. Paul had gone home to be with family that whole week and when he came home we had to double our efforts to get packed by the time we needed to leave. Paul's family was kind enough to wait until Paul, Lucia and I got to Wisconsin to have the memorial service, so that became the focus of our time in Milwaukee. To be with family, especially Paul's Mom and Grandma, and mourn the loss of Grandpa Joe, but also to laugh, remember and celebrate the impact that he had on so many lives. He was truly an extraordinary man. I didn't get to spend that much time with Grandpa Joe, but I feel blessed for the part he played in making Paul the man, father and husband that he is. Once I met Grandpa Joe, Paul made a lot more sense to me (in a good way!) and it makes me happy to know that Paul will pass along those lessons and stories from Grandpa Joe to our children.


February 2011

December 2012

Probably imparting some Grampa Joe wisdom
The service was on Saturday, so Thursday and Friday were occupied with preparations for that. Saturday was emotionally draining, but the service was beautiful. Oh, and Lucia peed on my lap...twice. Luckily, I was wearing a long summer dress with a lot of pattern. I was able to dry out mostly unnoticed.

The rest of our time in Wisconsin was spent with family and preparing for the final leg of our trip. We celebrated Lucia's birthday (she requested pizza), and spent some time with Paul's Dad and Cyndi, including a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo, which was fun! Lucia loved the bats and the giraffes. Paul and I got serious about finding houses to look at when we got to Cambridge, and lined up four potential houses to look it. Here are a few more photos from our week in Wisconsin. We are excited to be just a little bit closer to our Wisconsin family.

Lucia and Wendell bonded and spent many mornings hanging out together

Pizza party - Extra olives please!

Thanks to cousins Anna & Bobby for the birthday present

Sitting in Great-Grandpa's barber chair

The Milwaukee Zoo!

"Don't worry about your knees Grandpa, I don't weigh thaaaat much!"

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